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This collection of case studies show how a wide cross section of educational professionals use and find inspiration from STEM Learning's digital resources.

This Pedagogics resource displays a quote from Dr Haim Ginott entitled "I have come to a frightening conclusion".

EDT is a charity that offers a comprehensive portfolio of activities designed to promote STEM courses and careers to specific target groups of students, including females and ethnic minorities. This leaflet describes some of their courses and provides contact details for further information.

ENTHUSE Partnership funding enables groups of four to eight schools and colleges to work together, with support from STEM Learning on a two-year intensive programme to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects. Each Partnership can access up to £20,000 worth of support, including face-to-face CPD, in-school...

ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at the Earth and its atmosphere. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic...

Easter is traditionally the time when the Easter bunny arrives with chocolate eggs and treats. This collection of resources highlight activities around the themes of...

The environmental impact of a product throughout the different stages of its lifecycle are quantified in this activity. Data from the Eco-indicator 99 Manual for Designers is required for the final evaluation task.

In this STEMNET resource, maths teacher Ed Dyke describes a STEM project undertaken by his school in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, called Rocket Day. The project was funded by the York and North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership (NYBEP). Also involved was STEM Ambassador Clive Bell, who has worked for the...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at electromagnetic radiation. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years. The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of...

This publication, from Warwick University, reports on the STEM Careers Awareness Timeline Pilot. The Timeline project seeks to establish how schools can embed a more systematic programme of careers awareness into the existing subject curriculum. The report gives emerging findings from working with stakeholders and...

Produced  in 2009 by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners to explore the effective embedding of functional skills in STEM teaching and learning. As well as focusing on functional mathematics, these projects explore a range of issues relevant to...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners focusing on engaging employers with STEM teaching and learning in order to develop courses and materials that effectively meet employers’ needs and arm students with relevant, up to date industry...

From the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this document summarises their Exploring Improvements in Teaching and Learning Through Employer Engagement project. It looked at developing links between institutions and employers in the Post-16 sector. The outcomes of the project can be seen in the series of...
