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This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles on:

*Using Scratch4Arduino in primary schools to make musical instruments

*Learning algorithms with folk dancing and fairy tales

*Kodu programming

*Developing computing schemes of work

*Functional programming...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on pedagogy, and contains articles covering:

*Barefoot Computing teaching resources and ready-to-deliver CPD with QuickStart Computing

*BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching

*Baseline assessment of computing


This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter is focused on physical computing, and features:

*The BBC Micro-Bit and Make It Digital projects

*CPD tips with Barefoot and Quickstart

*Primary school activities with Scratch and Makey Makey

*Scratch projects with Microsoft Kinect...

This introduction to programming in Scratch uses a trivial example to demonstrate simple audio and animation. It is written for Scratch 1.4 but can be easily adapted for later versions. ...

This game-writing activity using Scratch will bring back youthful memories for some! It provides...

This practical guide to creating a simple game is aimed at those new to programming with Scratch...