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The materials provide teachers with examples of different enquiry types, e.g. classifying and identifying, developing systems, and pattern seeking.  The booklet provides an overview of the enquiries and the particular approaches used. Scientists use many different ways to collect evidence, but a survey undertaken...

Those two simple, inexpensive, practical activities, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) explore cultivating glowing bacteria and the phenomenon of one species turning a bright purple.

The glow is caused by luminous bacteria commonly found on rotting seafood. Ghostly glowing fish like this...

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), contains a number of recipes for making fermented soft drinks and some suggestions about how students could explore the science involved in making them.

The predecessors of modern carbonated drinks were often made at home or on a small scale....

With this resource, students develop observation skills by investigating the phenomenon of ‘mate-guarding’ in brine shrimp. Following a teacher-led discussion, students generate hypotheses. For example, one of the hypotheses may be that larger females pair with larger males.

These may be tested...

A unit taken from the Pupil Researcher Initiative (PRI) 'Ideas and Evidence' resource pack and a good resource guide. Part of the ASE SYCD: Science Year Can we; Should we? collection.

The PRI unit is a one hour lesson focusing on the MMR vaccine, teaching ideas and evidence at Key Stage Four-how the media...

This range of practical activities and resources provided by ASE is aimed to teach about plants and flowers in schools.Growing fast plants can provide rewarding results in a short time span and the ideas encourage all students to be involved with the activities....

This teaching resource examines the role of science and technology in preserving food as an important part of global food security. It considers the scale of food spoilage across the globe and the consequences of this for people and their diets. Students investigate simple ways of preserving food relating their...

These resources allow students to explore natural selection using different coloured baits (spaghetti ‘worms’) that are selected and eaten by birds. Uneaten ‘worms’ are counted after predation and the ‘worm’ population is replenished in proportion to those colours which remain. After several cycles of predation and...

These resources were developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme and the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University in order to demonstrate new ways that ICT can be used to enhance practical work in science. Research scientists use computer technology in both the collection and the...

Two lessons from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)'s Seeing Science in which students look at how some plants absorb heavy metals. The lessons include an experiment to measure the amount of copper absorbed by lettuce and radish plants. In another activity, students use evidence cards and a map to...

This activity has been designed to help pupils understand the effects of water pressure on animals that live in the deep sea.

To complete the activity, pupils simply need to put a mini marshmallow into a plastic syringe and cover the tip with their finger. Air pressure inside can be decreased by pulling the...
