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This resource from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a practical, classroom activity that allows the students to make a balloon model of a disease-causing bacterium. This illustrates its basic shape and structure. Students can choose from three bacteria species...

In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

This is a classroom-based activity from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute that allows students to explore the features of two bacterial pathogen genomes. The aim of this activity is to highlight the role of different genetic components in two closely related subspecies of Salmonella enterica, and to identify how...

With just a few materials, building a paper model of the International Space Station (ISS) can become a class project. This publication contains a brief overview of the ISS, its parts, the science that occurs on board, instructions, and extension fact sheets. Learn about the ISS, explore fun facts, simulate...

Born in London to parents who emigrated from Ghana, Charlotte Armah's scientific work may have very obvious benefits for us all. She leads experiments involving human volunteers to learn whether eating particular foods, especially broccoli, can protect us from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer....

This Concept Cartoon on climate change was produced by Millgate House Education and Practical Action. This cartoon helps students explore issues around climate change; what causes it and how it affects peoples' lives around the world. Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue,...

This cartoon helps pupils explore issues around climate change; what causes it and how it affects peoples' lives around the world.

Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue, provoke discussion and stimulate thinking. Concept Cartoons make concepts problematic and provide...

From Solar Spark, this simple demonstration shows the effect of adding colours. Photos and pictures are often made up from just four colours black, cyan, magenta and yellow. Different amounts of each colour combine to get all the colours of the rainbow and make the complete picture.

Solar cells are...

This resource from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a hands-on classroom activity for Key Stage Two students that aims to support the teaching of topics such as microbes and hand hygiene. This interactive, practical activity demonstrates how microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, can be spread through surface...

This resource pack contains twelve 'hands on’ activities linked to different aspects of the science of materials and states of matter. Aimed at learners of all ages, they would be particularly suitable for use at primary level to demonstrate key ideas and concepts and to spark an interest in chemistry. Containing...

What effect does acid have on sea life?

This unit follows on from 'Do you like your oceans still or sparkling?' The activity demonstrates the ability of an acidic substance (in this case vinegar) to dissolve sea shells.

Malt vinegar contains acetic...

This series of Marvin and Milo cards have been pulled together for the International Year of Light 2015. They include eight simple experiments that can be performed at home that link in to the theme of light, using: - A torch and a bottle to show total internal reflection - A glass of water to make a lens - Milk...

The oceans are become more acidic. This is due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the ...

Donald Palmer's job involves studying, and teaching others how, the human body protects itself from infections and malfunctions, including cancer. He is especially interested in the way the immune system changes with age, and examines the surfaces of human cells using chemicals and instruments.

As a child...

This simple activity from NASA allows classrooms to study rocket stability as students construct and fly small "indoor" paper rockets. The rockets can be used for a range of activities into forces and movement in which students collect data and interpret the results.
