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This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), is one of a series of activities which explores body centric communications. Students study data and annotate a diagram to show what electromagnetic radiation can penetrate the atmosphere. The...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at the properties and applications of waves in general, and the electromagnetic spectrum in particular. Students are asked to work out the type of electromagnetic radiation used in different...

This interactive online game from Siemens introduces students to the opportunities and challenges presented by different energy technologies. Students are required to implement an energy system that meets the demand to run a farm whilst minimising the cost and environmental impact. 


Opportunities for engineers exist at all levels and these career route maps from Neon show various routes through education and training to become a professional engineer in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

In activity, students produce an Engineering ‘specification’ based on application of their science and mathematics knowledge and understanding. This will be put into the context of risks to London from flooding and the need for improved flood defences due to increased risk of higher floods due to rising sea levels...

This resource, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue robotics.


This activity provides a quick introduction to a lesson focusing on the link between water and health. It encourages students to think about the role of engineers in providing us with healthy water supplies and waste-water disposal systems.


This article looks at how STEM subjects can help students learn about key environmental issues using the National Association for Environmental Education's (NAEE) teacher handbooks about 'The Environmental Curriculum' and details of the 'Sustainable Development Goals' launched at the 2015 Paris agreement on climate...

The reports in this publication demonstrate the potential of practising teachers to carry out research which applies a scientific method, both in terms of the generation of school-based local and contextual evidence and with regard to the development of a research-engaged, research-informed and research-led...

Faraday Challenges are designed to promote team work, curiosity and raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects, so are particularly relevant as part of an enrichment and enhancement programme built into your curriculum.

This guide, from triple science support,...

In this predict-observe-explain activity, students explore different ways of extinguishing a flame with some surprising results. The lesson is introduced with the video of engineer Yusuf Muhammad. Yusuf is developing a revolutionary new household fire-safety device, incorporating the techniques of professional...

This challenge, from Practical Action, requires students to design and build a model structure that will enable farmers to grow crops even in an area that may become flooded. A floating garden, built on a base of aquatic weeds, is a low cost and sustainable way of allowing people to grow vegetables. The resource...

Students work in teams to design and make a prototype device that can design and make a prototype of a simple device (to be sold in stores like B&Q) that will allow homeowners to remove water from their house during periods of flooding.

In this challenge the device will have to move 100ml of water from...

These materials use the BLOODHOUND SSC land speed attempt as a context for teaching about forces, particularly forward thrust and frictional forces. The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) land-speed attempt aims to reach a target speed of 1000 miles per hour.

A very large forward driving force is required to...
