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This article, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Mathematics Teaching’, is written by Pete Griffin and taken from MT227.

The notion of ‘understanding’ and its place in the learning process is often placed in sharper focus when considered in the context of learning and teaching...

This booklet, from Science Community Representing Education (SCORE), offers a range of practical activities and experiments for use in the classroom. Most are aimed at Key Stages One and Two students but a small number are provided for Key Stage Three to highlight the...

This booklet, from Science Community Representing Education (SCORE), offers a range of practical activities for use in the classroom. Most are aimed at Key Stage Three and Four and Post-16 students but a small number are provided for Key Stage Two to highlight the...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Computing curriculum change

*Programming pedagogy

*Database Detectives, a Digital School House resource

*Unplugged computing

*Scratch in the primary classroom

*Real robotics – outreach from...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Coding and computer science

*Code Club and Computing ++

*Tips for teaching programming


*Teaching encryption with spreadsheets

*Scratch sensorboards (picoboards)


This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on Computational Thinking, and contains articles covering:

*The importance of computational thinking


This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter is focused on physical computing, and features:

*The BBC Micro-Bit and Make It Digital projects

*CPD tips with Barefoot and Quickstart

*Primary school activities with Scratch and Makey Makey

*Scratch projects with Microsoft Kinect...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Increasing the number of girls studying computing

*Inclusion in computing

*Network of Excellence and CAS Hubs

*Learning about programming through knitting

*Programming with GameMaker


This edition of the Computing at School newsletter covers many topics including:

*Visual development of mobile apps using App Inventor

*Active learning in computing using Lego NXT and Logo

*BYOB, an extension to Scratch that aids abstraction and extension

*Robot simulation using RoboMind...

This article, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Mathematics Teaching’, is taken from MT217.

Jenni Ingram and Robert Ward-Penny give their thoughts on classrooms today by examining the variety of activities that can be seen in the mathematics classroom. Students are frequently...

The seven posters can be used in class when children are engaged in a space topic. Each file contains an image and a description associated with the image, in large font type. The posters are: constellation; galaxies; nebula; planets; solar system; sunspots; and the sun. The remaining files are articles from The...

This School Science Review article looks at a selection of resources currently available for use in the teaching of astronomy in UK schools. It is by no means an exhaustive list but it highlights a variety of free resources that can be used in the classroom to help engage students of all ages with astronomy and...

This STEM Learning magazine aimed at all primary teachers contains articles and interviews looking at ideas, hints and tips for teaching science, mathematics, design and technology and computing at primary level. Articles include: 

  • How to effectively teach mathematics skills for science to increase...

This STEM Learning magazine aimed at all primary teachers contains articles devoted to teaching science, mathematics, design and...

This issue of the magazine focuses on assessment in primary education, how to drive science education in the primary classroom,  demonstrates the effects of using a pulley and even how to open a museum in a school! Karen Brunyee,Primary...
