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In this resource from the DfES Standards Unit, students learn to translate between words, symbols, tables, and area representations of algebraic expressions, recognise the order of operations, recognise equivalent expressions and understand the distributive laws of multiplication and division over addition (...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students will learn to understand and interpret bar charts, pie charts, and box and whisker plots. This session is in two linked parts. The first is matching pie charts to bar charts and secondly matching box and whisker plots to bar charts. Each part of the session...

In this DfE Standards Unit resource students learn to interpret and construct distance–time graphs; relating speeds to gradients of the graphs and accelerations to changes in these speeds. Students have often constructed distance–time graphs before. However, experience shows that many still interpret them as if...

In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students interpret linear and non-linear distance-time graphs using the computer programme Traffic. This program provides a simple yet powerful way of helping learners to visualise distance–time graphs from first principles. The program generates situations involving...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students interpret frequency graphs, cumulative frequency graphs, and box and whisker plots, all for large samples, and then see how a large number of data points can result in the graph being approximated by a continuous distribution (GCSE Grades A - D)

In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students learn to understand the relationship between graphical, algebraic and tabular representations of functions, the nature of proportional, linear, quadratic and inverse functions and doubling and squaring. Students should already be familiar with algebraic symbols such as...

This Cre8ate maths activity investigates the ratio of surface area to volume in adults and babies and explains why we keep babies wrapped up in winter.

To calculate surface area and volume students make scale models...

In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students identify different forms and properties
of quadratic functions, connect quadratic functions...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit students identify equivalent surds and develop their ability to simplify expressions involving surds. Students should understand what a square root is and be able to remove brackets correctly. (GCSE grades A-D; AS and A2 level)

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students practise differentiating quadratic functions and finding the values of a function and its derivative at specific points. They will distinguish between f (x) and f ′(x), relate values of f (x) and f ′(x) to the graph of y = f (x) and reflect on and discuss these...

Based on information and guides provided by the Department of Transport, this Cre8ate maths activity introduces the cost benefits of improving the aerodynamics of the cab section of a truck. Mathematical connections involve using calculators and spreadsheets to work on conversions and percentages in the context of...

In this resource, from the Department fof Education Standards Unit, students learn to distinguish, by drawing and by using the order of the vertices, between Eulerian graphs, semi-Eulerian graphs and graphs that are neither; and to find strategies for solving the route inspection or ‘Chinese postman’ problem....

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students learn to interpret decimals and fractions using scales and areas, find equivalent fractions, order and relate fractions and decimals and to reflect on and discuss these processes. Students will have met these concepts before. Many, however, may still have...

In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students learn to understand that probabilities are assigned values between 0 and 1. They will on an decide an appropriate value for the probability of a given event and use some of the vocabulary associated with probability such as
‘certain’, ‘impossible’, ‘likely’. They...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students analyse simple number 'tricks', and explain how they work, using algebra. They then try to create their own variants of the trick, making it more impressive. Students will: develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations; make simple conjectures...
