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This series of Core Maths activities involves mortgage finance, interest rates, income tax, national insurance, scheduling, Gantt diagrams and estimation. The tasks can form a large project or be used as stand-alone lessons.

Build or Buy: Teacher Guidance
The teacher guidance package...

This excel file has large displays of two Casio calculators which could be useful for class discussion. The first interactive sheet shows sets of calculations which require the use of functions including x2, √ and π. The second interactive sheet shows sets of more...

This excel program contains two interactive spreadsheets designed to explore the gradient functions of cubic and quadratic functions.

The first activity enables students to alter the coefficients in the function ax2+...

This Excel file has a series of sheets which illustrate the link between the equation of a circle and the corresponding graph. It goes on to deal with the intersection of a circle with a straight line.

The first...

This excel program contains a series of interactive spreadsheets related to the equation of the circle. The first sheets enable the student to alter the radius and centre of the circles centred at the origin and elsewhere. The program allows the student to view the...

This cross curricular activity includes science content from Year Four of the primary curriculum. It introduces programming and control, linked to the outside world through sensors - in this case, the computer's built-in microphone or a peripheral microphone. Programs are written using Scratch (online or offline)...

This series of interactive excel sheets investigate models involving collisions.

The first sheet simulates two particles colliding. Initial velocity, mass and resulting velocity of the two particles can be set, or a...

This activity from Subtangent is based on the four colour theory, which is used by mapmakers. Resources include examples of colouring maps correctly, together with additional challenges, which cover a range of ability, for students to try themselves. Solutions for the challenges are also provided.

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Year Four students look at comparing and ordering numbers. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

In the first sheet...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Reception students explores comparing and ordering both numbers and quantities. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.


This excel workbook contains a series of sheets to help students explore different types of composite functions including linear, quadratic and reciprocal functions.

The first sheet allows students to input different...

This excel file starts with a series of five sheets which show conversion graphs involving metric and imperial measures for height and weight and graphs for money conversions. The two money conversions allow the exchange rate to be altered. Units used include stones, kg...

In this lesson students examine whether reports of extreme cold weather provide evidence that global warming is not happening. They look at the New York Times graphs of summer temperature distributions for the northern hemisphere for different periods and interrogate/critique these graphs.

Students will...

In this Nuffield activity students investigate how different numbers of squares can be joined corner to corner and the effect their arrangement has on the area of the rectangle that encloses the squares.

The key...

The first sheet of this excel file shows a set of data in a scatter plot. The line of best fit can be drawn and a description of the type of correlation can be revealed along with the equation of the trend line. The other sheet shows the value of cars at various ages. The scatter plot shows the data and there are a...
