Resources by mathsticks
Displaying 11 - 20 of 20
Mathsticks resources aim to make maths meaningful and have been trialled, adapted, tested and retested with children in the classroom. They are based on the need for children to be fully involved in their learning; to have fun, and to enjoy and achieve while developing their mathematical skills. The resources are...
Multi-Race Game
This game, aimed at primary level, allows children to practice multiplication problems. Children move along a track landing on different numbers, mainly from the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables. To move they must say the pair of numbers (factors) which will multiply together to give a nearby product on the board. The...
This primary maths game children to use and apply calculation skills. Players use three dice and take it in turns to create a calculation that will allow them to cover a number on the game board. Different amounts of points are scored depending on which numbers are covered, which encourages children to carry out...
Pirate Game
This Pirate themed game provides many opportunities for children to use their times tables knowledge. It includes three versions of the game which use different multiplication facts so can be used with children at different stages of learning. The arrangement of the numbers on all of the game boards has been...
Place Value
This whole class game allows children to practise reading three digit numbers and recognizing 'place value'. The game follows the familiar "I have... Who has?" around the class format where children read a statement about their number and ask a ‘who has’ question....
Rocket Game
This space themed maths game provides an opportunity for children to practice working with number bonds to 10. It can be played either as a board game in pairs or used within an interactive whiteboard page.
To play the game the 10 number cards are shuffled and placed face-down near the board. Players take it...
Shape Match
This game, aimed at primary level involves recognising and matching 2D shapes. The game consists of a track with a 'shopping list' of shapes for each player. Players start in the bottom left-hand corner and move a single counter around the board. The idea is that children take it in turns to roll a dice and move...
Shape Taboo
This game based on the game of 'Taboo' helps children to learn shape vocabulary. Suitable for primary level, children work in twos, with a reader describing a word without using any of the 'Taboo words on their card. The guesser then has to identify the correct vocabulary word on the card from their partner’s...
Simple Protractors
This activity teaches children how to use a protractor. It includes three protractors that are used to progressively build up to a 'real' one. The protractors are designed to be printed onto acetates and cut out to build up a full protractor showing all the divisions.
Provided by mathsicks, the resource...
Three in a Line
This maths game is designed to help children practice mental multiplication. Each game-board contains a 4 by 4 grid of numbers with a list of red numbers at the side. The numbers in the grid are products and the red numbers are factors. Children take it in turns to find two red numbers which, when multiplied, will...