Resources by Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health

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This collection offers a cross curricular approach to diet, sustainable food production and how human activity impacts upon our environment. It may be used as a workshop or as individual activities. The approaches used will enable students to come to decisions regarding their diet based on many factors including...

Healthy People, Healthy Planet

This resource, aimed at primary level, looks at diet and sustainable food production. Designed as a cross curricular workshop it links to the topic areas of the senses, healthy eating, sustainability and how human activity impacts upon our environment. Children identify some common foods using their sense of smell...

Based at the University of Aberdeen, the Rowett Institute is a key centre for the study of food and its relationship to long-term health. The Institute undertakes research to address some of the most compelling contemporary problems in nutrition. The Institute's research contributes not only to new scientific...

Smell Jars

This resource, aimed at primary level, links to the curriculum areas of food and diet, healthy eating and where food comes from. Children are asked to identify different types of food using their sense of smell. They then work in small groups to discuss and debate what food they may have. Once the food is known...

Snacks, snakes and ladders

This resource looks at food, nutrition and healthy eating and links to the topic of animals, including humans. This game is based on the popular game of Snakes and Ladders, but with the difference that when you land on a healthy snack you climb up and when you land on not-so-healthy snack you slide down. Special...

Sourcing Sugars

This resource describes how students can investigate the sugars in food and drink. Background information is provided about complex and simple carbohydrates.

In the first activity, students use clinistix to test for glucose. The second worksheet describes the use of Benedict's Reagent to test for reducing...

Spaghetti Towers

Aimed at primary learners, this resource asks children to design and build a tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. This challenge links design and technology, mathematics and science as children use problem-solving strategies and knowledge of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes to build their towers....

Spectacular Starch

This resource, aimed at primary level, contains an activity which investigates how to detect starch in everyday foods using iodine. Linked to the topic of animals, including humans, it contains teachers' notes on how to run the activity, worksheet with answers and background knowledge.

This resource has been...

Sweet Chromatography

In this activity students use chromatography to separate the dyes in sweets. The resource looks at the information on food labels and provides some questions for students to answer about fat, sugar and salt content.

Students then place sweets on filter paper, adding water to dissolve the food colourings....

Transporting Food Around the World

In this activity aimed at primary level, children investigate the types of transport used to send food around the world. Linked to work in geography on food miles, sustainability and improving the environment, children investigate how food is transported and the impact that this can have on the environment. They go...


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