Resources by Scholastic

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Science with the squishy bits left in. The Explosive Experiments Pack is bubbling with eye-popping experiments to try yourself. Want to know...who blew himself up on a rocket-powered chair? how to test a bug...

Experiments with the squishy bits left in. Make your own drinkable blood. See through a giant eyeball.  Breed some sewer rats. Over 20 famous eye-popping experiments that will seriously enlarge your brain!

In 30 years' time will you be holidaying on the moon? In 100 years' time could you genetically engineer your own pet? In 1000 years' time will you travel through space in an anti-matter-drive spaceship?


Using a host of hilarious characters, Kjartan Poskitt presents all the tricks, tips and shortcuts to statistics they don't teach at school. Readers will find out how fractions can save them from the toxic mutant fish...

Over 20 eye-popping experiments to make your stomach squirm!

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Great Estimate! provides the context for estimating a number of objects. The engaging text together with the colourful and lively photographs provide the context for maths activities as well as extension activities provided in the teacher notes at the end of the book.

Children consistently struggle in the science national tests when they asked to explain data presented as tables of results or graphs.

The skills needed to understand and use such data must be developed...

Children consistently struggle in the science national tests when asked to explain data presented as tables of results or graphs.

The skills needed to understand and use such data must be developed throughout...

Scholastic Primary Science is an exciting multi-media teaching resource for the whole of KS1 and KS2. The series comprises 24 units, each on a separate topic, with 4 units per year. Each unit has 5 cards, one per Extended Lesson, and 2 CD-ROMs. The Activities CD-ROM has interactive versions of the Cards with...


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