Resources by We Are Aliens!
Displaying 1 - 10 of 18
An Introduction to Astrobiology
Astrobiologist, Dr. Lewis Dartnell, explains how we can understand more about possible life on other planets by looking at life on the Earth. He talks about his hopes that we find evidence of life on Mars, and other bodies within our solar system. Lewis explains how analysing the light from exoplanets could help...
Are We Alone?
It really is a small worldWe live in a global network of diverse communities, sharing resources, ideas and technology. As a species, we have always looked to the sky and asked ‘are we alone?’
A sample of oneSo...
These We Are Aliens! related biology activities for the class room have been devised by Chris Carr. The resources includes practical activities and worksheets. Supporting videos demonstrate the activities. The following curriculum areas are covered: • Cell biology • Food tests, including starch, sugar, protein and...
These We Are Aliens! related chemistry activities for the class room, have been devised by devised by Steve Althorpe and Judith Green. The resources include games, practical activities and worksheets. Supporting videos demonstrate the activities. The following curriculum areas are covered:
- depression...
Finding exoplanetsExoplanets are planets outside our own solar system. Find out how scientists use ingenious methods to spot them.
Goldilocks zoneFinding the right conditions to support life is a delicate...
Ice Cores
In this practical activity students analyse ice cores extracted from the icy worlds of Enceladus or Europa. This resource provides information about Enceladus and worksheets for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In the video, Steve Althorpe explains how ice cores containing minerals can be made and then...
Is There Life In There?
All life forms on Earth are based on organic biochemistry. This activity requires students to analyse an unknown soil sample (just recovered from a space mission to another planet!) and look for signs of possible indicators for life. Curriculum areas covered: • Cell biology • Food tests, including starch, sugar,...
These videos are excerpts from the We Are Aliens! planetarium show. They provide good starter activities for looking at life within our universe. They explore life within our solar system and the Earth and other planets that may contain life. The exoplanets videos go on to look at the possibilities of life outside...
Life in Our Solar System
Life in the extremesMicrobes can survive in the most hostile and inhospitable environments. Might similar places in our solar system be able to support them too?
Why are scientists interested in Mars?Why are...
Life in the freezer *suitable for home teaching*
If there is life elsewhere in our solar system it’s likely to live in a pretty cold environment. In this resource, students investigate the effect of antifreeze on the freezing point of water and how it can allow fragile cells to survive extreme cold. In the video, Judith Green explains how students can plan an...