Resources by Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

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Simple circuits

In this activity, students assemble a simple electric circuit. This develops understanding of how electric circuits function.

Simple switches

In this activity, students assemble a variety of different switches from commonly available items. This develops understanding of how switches are used, electrical conduction and how electric circuits function.

Skeleton Bob

The resources in this Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) collection look at the aerodynamic characteristics of objects. Students explore the requirements of aerodynamic design through testing simple shapes in a wind tunnel. The activities focus on students acquiring an understanding of aerodynamics...

Sketch your own football pitch

In this activity students will make use of the theme of football on the Moon to design a future football stadium for playing the game on the Moon. They will think about the main design considerations and requirements for the stadium. They will then produce annotated sketches of their idea.

This activity...

These skills worksheets explore a range of topics linked to design and technology. Each worksheet includes a variety of tasks with examples and answers. They work well as a classroom resource, homework task and revision resource.

Slow race

This resource focusses on measuring time, by recording the time it takes to complete a walking race. In small teams, pupils will time each other with a stopwatch and record the data. The results will then be sorted and discussed as a class using terms such as, faster, slower, quicker etc. This activity could be...

Smart greenhouse

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design and create a programmable system that can control the temperature and soil moisture levels in a ‘smart’ greenhouse. They will analyse a design brief and design...

Smart materials 1

In this activity from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, students investigate the properties of different categories of smart materials and decide which kinds of materials might offer the best prospects for a financial investment. Students work in teams and...

Smart Materials 2

In this practical lesson from the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), students complete a number of different tests on a selection of materials and identify each one from its particular properties. The tests include Eureka cans, electrical circuits and other...

Smart Sensor Communications

This video, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), features physiotherapist Jeroen Bergman who works with smart sensors at Charing Cross Hospital. He explains how a variety of sensors are used to analyse patients’ movements. Development work is...


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