Resources by University of Cambridge
Displaying 1 - 10 of 19
This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.
Cambridge Ideas is an on-going series of short documentaries presenting cutting edge research at Cambridge University together with comment and opinion on matters of global significance. The videos in this collection include:
...Culture, communication and change
The ability to extract and summarise information is a very valuable skill for students to develop. This document is a report published in 2011 by the University of Cambridge. It investigates social impacts of technology use on different cultures. This resource could be used as a source document for students to scan...
Darwin's Women
This film, from the University of Cambridge, explores the emergence of women scientists in the Victorian era, and Darwin’s role in helping them to achieve some level of prominence despite the social constraints of the time.
The Darwin Correspondence Project is researching Charles Darwin's letters and has...
Gaia's Mission: Solving the Celestial Puzzle
This film documents the mission to create the largest, most-accurate, map of the Milky Way in three dimensions, which will revolutionise our understanding of the galaxy and the universe beyond. On 19th December 2013, a rocket blasted into the sky from a launch site in French Guiana and travelled 1.5 million km to...
How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take to Change a Man?
This video features Cambridge University physicist, David Mackay, in a passionate, personal analysis of the energy crisis in the UK, in which he comes to some surprising conclusions about the way forward.
The film is based on his new book Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air, in which Professor Mackay...
Just Add Water
Rotifers are microscopic animals that survive against all the odds. This film follows Dr Alan Tunnacliffe, award-winning Cambridge researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology, as he tests their super-powers by draining 90% of the water in their microscopic bodies, heats them to boiling point and freezes them in...
Meet the Algae
In this film, scientists at Cambridge University take a closer look at algae and examine its potential as a renewable source of energy. In the near future algae could be used as a sustainable, carbon neutral biofuel. Alison Smith, Professor of plant biochemistry,...
Networks in support of science teacher education: building social capital to increase teacher learning
This paper published in 2011 presents a case for extending partnership models of science teacher development in the UK through establishing a more formal networks of schools, universities and science learning centres. It uses social capital theory to argue that teacher learning is not simply about cognitive...