Resources by University of Bristol
Displaying 1 - 10 of 17
A Fermi problem involves making estimates and using mathematics to answer a question, in more colloquial language they might be termed ‘back of envelope’ calculations.
Many of the questions don’t have clear cut answers, and sometimes alternative paths to solutions are possible.
The level of...
Fermi problems: a secret of bees
‘A secret of bees’ is a series of 7 problems that looks at an interesting feature of the family tree for bees. The series shows how to take a complicated problem and break it down into manageable parts. It is recommended that the sheets are given to students one at a time.
Initially a family tree for bees is...
Fermi problems: ball bouncing
‘Ball bouncing’ is a series of 7 problems that looks at what happens if you put a tennis ball on top of a basketball and then drop them both. This is done through mathematical modelling. The series shows how to take a complicated problem and break it down into manageable parts. It is recommended that the sheets are...
Fermi problems: Fermi challenge
Fermi problems: interstellar flight
‘Interstellar flight’ is a series of 7 problems that plan for establishing a base in another solar system. The first four problems involve getting to the base, the final three focus on what to bring and whom to take along.
The mathematics required for the first problems include use of the formulae for...
Fermi problems: moving Mount Fuji
This problem serves as an introduction to the ideas of Fermi problems. The question posed is ‘how many dump trucks would you need to move Mount Fuji, a major mountain in Japan?’
The topics required to complete this problem are calculating the volume of a pyramid, working out mass from density and volume, and...
Fermi problems: the top-notch burger joint
This question asks us to consider a person opening a burger bar, doing all of the cooking themselves, and then estimate how much space should they rent?
The main topics required are rates (number of burgers per hour that one person could cook, number of customers per hour), and areas.
Developed by the Centre for Comparative and Clinical Anatomy, University of Bristol, Lets Dissect is based upon the key points from GCSE specifications of the major exam boards. These interactive resources are a great accompaniment or alternative to dissection and show the major structures of the heart, the kidney...
Let's Dissect - the Heart
This tutorial, from Bristol University’s Let’s Dissect, includes a video of a heart dissection with accompanying narration describing the anatomy.
Please note, some interactive files have been removed from this resource, as they are no longer supported by Adobe Flash Player.
Let’s Dissect – the Digestive Tract *suitable for home teaching*
This tutorial, from Bristol University’s Let’s Dissect, highlights the structure and function of the digestive tract, including the salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, villi, large intestine and rectum.
Please note, some interactive files have...