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This is the first of a two-volume set that deal with the entire Milky Way. This first volume looks at what can be seen predominantly from the Northern Skies.

In addition to the descriptive text, there are many...


How THIS BOOK DIFFERS This book is about the calculus. What distinguishes it, however, from other books is that it uses the pocket calculator to illustrate the theory. A computation that...

In this collection of beautifully written essays, Mishra, Henriksen, and the Deep-play Research Group challenge myths about technology and creativity, debate time-honored instructional...

The central aim of this book is determination of all possible groups of orders 1 to 15, together with some study of their structure. By  time this aim is realised towards  end of  book,  reader should have acquired  basic ideas and methods of group theory.

Included are some applications of permutation groups...

This hands-on guide offers practical advice on all aspects of science communication. It features a tightly interwoven fabric of issues: product types, target groups, written communication, visual communication,...

In an expanding 2nd edition of How Apollo Flew to the Moon, David Woods tells the exciting story of how the resulting Apollo flights were conducted by following a virtual flight to the Moon and its exploration of the...


This book addresses a new school subject, Technology Education, which is...

This journal is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.


The outer Solar System is rich in resources and may be the best region in which to search for life beyond Earth. In fact, it may ultimately be the best place for Earthlings to set up permanent abodes.

This book surveys the feasibility of that prospect, covering the fascinating history of exploration that...

The MathFilm DVD topics range from geometry to graphics, from computing to visualization, from historic to modern achievements, from abstract mathematical worlds to real-world applications.

The DVD provides entertaining and informative insights into modern mathematics and is an exciting resource for lively...


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