Resources by CREST Awards

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Displaying 51 - 60 of 111

Gold award: a balanced diet

The aim of this project is to design a menu for somebody with a nutritional disorder. The project is split into two main sections. The first is very much research-based, finding out about a nutritional disorder. The second involves analytical chemistry and biology, as you will conduct food tests. Finally, students ...

Gold award: are fruit juices healthier than fizzy drinks?

Students test and compare a range of fizzy drinks and fruit juices to detrmine:

  • perception of sweetness.
  • reducing sugars concentration using colorimetry
  • the amino acids present by chromatography
  • effect on tooth decay
  • antimicrobial effects of caffeine

Gold award: build your own pinhole camera

Pinhole cameras can be made very simply, and they take reasonable pictures. But it’s a little more complicated to make a pinhole camera that takes a good picture, has an...

Gold award: compare different suns creams

In this project, students measure the UV radiation to find out when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest. They will then compare a variety of different sun creams and sun blocks by measuring how much UV...

Gold award: compare the properties of different fabrics

In this project, students compare the properties of a range of fabrics made from different fibres. The fabrics could be woven or knitted and they could be made from natural fibres such as cotton and wool or synthetic fibres such as nylon. Students should investigate physical properties, such as strength,  tear...

Gold award: design and make your own skateboard

To begin the project, students:

• Carry out some research into skateboard design and how they vary.

Find out about the different components - how are they...

Gold award: design the ultimate toothbrush

In this project, students design a series of tests to find the best toothbrush and obtain quantitative data.  Some examples of the properties ytheymay wish to test include:


Gold award: Detecting food fraud

In this Crest Gold Award accredited project, students are provided some suggestions for project work based around adulterated foods.  Suggested investigations include:

  • determining the concentration of standard and 'value' brands of common household products such as bleaches, detergents and vinegars....

Gold award: Everything looks brighter after a cup of tea – Fact Or Fiction

In this Crest Award accredited project, students are provided some suggestions for project work based around the health benefits, or otherwise, of drinking tea.  Suggested investigations include:

  • investigating tannins, caffeine and flavonoids in different teas
  • comparing taste of teas
  • ...

Gold Award: Future Travel

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to space exploration:

* Communications project - students gather information about space exploration before making a presentation on the problems to be overcome with past and possible future benefits of space travel

* Practical project -...


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