Resources by Our Space

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Conservation of Momentum

These short video clips, from Our Space, show Richard Garriott during his mission to the International Space Station, illustrating the conservation of momentum. Using the unique conditions found in micro-gravity, Richard demonstrates conservation of linear momentum using collisions between two tennis balls. The...

Earth Observation from Space

This short video clip from Our Space shows Richard Garriott during his mission to the International Space Station, and what the Earth looks like when viewed from space. He takes a photograph of the stunning Palm Island development in Dubai, an example of the sort of...

Eating, Sleeping, Drinking and Living in Space

Richard Garriott visited the International Space Station (ISS). These short video clips from Our Space look at some common aspects of life onboard the ISS and how living in space poses its own particular challenges. The video clips illustrate:


Exploring Space

These short video clips from Our Space follow Richard Garriott during his visit to the International Space Station, looking at some of the more unusual questions and areas involved in the exploration of space.


Fluids and Motion in Space

These short video clips, from Our Space, show Richard Garriott during his mission to the International Space Station, illustrating how everyday materials and activities are very different in space. Each video illustrates one of the following different phenomena...

Forces and Motion in Space

Produced by Our Space during his visit to the International Space Station, these short video clips entertainingly illustrate aspects of movement in space. They allow students to see how objects move when apparently weightless. In these videos, Richard...

Monitoring Health on the International Space Station

From Our Space, these two short video clips describe how aspects of Richard Garriottt's health were monitored during his visit to the International Space Station. The first video clip describes experiments into how back pain, motion sickness and bone structure can...

Our Space

Richard Garriott, a computer games entrepreneur, adventurer and astronaut, visited the International Space Station in 2008. This collection from Our Space contains some of the videos he made to illustrate life and science in zero gravity. The...

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