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Image result for 'A' level physics volume 1: mechanics and heat chapple


This book is the first of three volumes which together provide the 'A' level physics student with an accurate and...

Part of a series, this book offers teachers a variety of ways in which they can offer children activities which will introduce them to the scientific basis of the animate/inanimate world. The techniques of exploring, observing, manipulating, comparing and more are encouraged.

This book begins with a simple qualitative account of the nucleus and the atom, leading to the structure of solids and the effect of heat, change of state and liquids and gases. Other chapters deal with vapours, temperature scales and measurement, mirrors, refraction, elementary acoustics and physical optics.

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers on Change stages one and two describes a range of activities that build children’s ideas about change and how it occurs. Rather than being a topic to pursue as a whole, it contains ideas that can be woven into other topics. However, one theme 'Changes in the kitchen' has been...

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Plastics for stages one and two is concerned with children’s exploration of the man-made plastics in the world around. It is not concerned with the chemistry or the production of plastics but with the variety and uses of plastics. The unit falls into two main sections. The first...

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Coloured things stages one and two provides suggestions for children's activities some of which relate directly to colour itself whilst others use an interest in coloured things as a springboard to other areas of investigation. Each chapter has an environmental theme rich in...

Image result for Graphic work of M. C. Escher


This book presents over 80 of Escher's most...


"Science 5/13" is a series of units which aims to show teachers how to help children develop enquiring minds and to learn by doing and finding out. It offers teachers advice and guidance, starting points and background information on the ways in which science may be organized and taught. The series is designed to...

Formulating a school policy with an index to Science 5/13 was produced by the project Learning Though Science, which followed directly on the Science 5/13 project. It is in two parts, the first dealing with matters of school policy and organisation relating to science and the second comprising the index to the...


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