Resources by Simon & Schuster

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In THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems.

With penetrating insights and pointed...

That the world has changed and is continuing to change at a rapid pace is not news. People are much more aware of everything around them. The consumer revolution has accelerated dramatically. But something vital is...

Part of a series aiming to introduce key subjects to primary school children, this book tackles the concept of energy, drawing upons topics...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.


Two hundred years ago, a daughter was born to the famous poet, Lord Byron, and his mathematical wife, Annabella.Like her father, Ada had a vivid imagination and a creative gift for connecting ideas...

Aliens love underpants, in every shape and size, But there are no underpants in space, so here's a big surprise. This zany, hilarious tale is delightfully brought to life by Ben Cort's vibrant illustrations. With a...

An Early Start to Earth and Space

This book, published in 1993, was the last in the Early Start series of activities for children aged five to eight. It covers those parts of the National Curriculum Science Programme that are not covered in the other books in the series. It is particularly concerned with water, the atmosphere and the structure of...

An Early Start to Energy

This book in the Early Start series, published in 1992, concerns the concept of energy, a difficult one for young children. The book enables children to gather the experiences needed in the early years to help the later grasp of the concept. The activities in this book cover the energy components of the National...

Part of a series aiming to introduce key subjects to primary school children, this book tackles the concept of energy, drawing upon topics like light, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism and the electomagnetic...

Part of a series, this book offers teachers a variety of ways in which they can offer children activities which will introduce them to an understanding of mathematics.


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