Resources by Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)

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Displaying 231 - 233 of 233

Work Projects That Work

Produced by the LSIS, these materials include a video featuring a group of second year BTEC students from Humberside Engineering Training Association (HETA) discussing the nature of their work-based project and what they got out of it. By working on a project of real value to the company, students are highly...

Working Safely with Power Tools

Produced by LSIS, this activity uses a hands-on approach to translate theory into practice. It helps students to construct and adopt a personal, systematic approach to safe checking of power tools whenever they start work. By handling real power tools and checking for faults in the session, students apply their...

Young Women in Science

Young Women in Science was developed by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) as part of the Teaching and Learning Programme. This research supports the implementation of gender inclusive teaching strategies.



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