Search and sort algorithms - remote
An understanding of algorithms is fundamental to success in computer science. To reach...
Introduction to primary computing - face to face (Invite Only)
Computing in primary schools is a practical, creative, and knowledge-rich subject. This course provides teachers...
INVITE ONLY Holt Farm Junior school - Physical computing kit - KS2 Crumble - short course
Physical computing involves programming digital devices to sense and interact with the world – an engaging...
Invite only St Thomas More - Physical computing kit - KS2 Crumble - short course
Physical computing involves programming digital devices to sense and interact with the world – an engaging...
Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school - short course
Explore the Computing Quality Framework to identify and support...
Leading primary computing - module 2 - remote
This course will help computing subject leaders to lead the improvement of computing...
AI and Ethics in GCSE computer science
Immerse yourself into the ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence, what does it mean for your students...
Search and sort algorithms - remote
An understanding of algorithms is fundamental to success in computer science. To reach...
Empowering girls in key stage 2 computing
If we want to address the gender gap in computing, we need to start during the primary years. Discover research-...
Getting started in Year 4
This course provides a...