Resources by London Engineering Project

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Displaying 11 - 15 of 15

Promoting Engineering as a Career to Young People

This resource from the Royal Academy of Engineering describes how the London Engineering Project worked to encourage students to see engineering as a potential career path. All activities used an Engineering Message to contextualise engineering and emphasise its impact on the world around us.

The project...

Supporting the Diploma in Engineering

This London Engineering Project paper, from The Royal Academy of Engineering, describes a range of activity days which supported the engineering diploma in schools who have students who may decide to continue studying the subject to degree level.


The Engineering Tour

This London Engineering Project case study, part of the Royal Academy of Engineering collection, gives Year 8-10 students information and knowledge about some of London's famous landmarks.

The activity illustrates the...

The Solar Car Challenge

This London Engineering Project paper, from Royal Academy of Engineering, describes the stages of setting up the Solar Car Challenge as a 12-week themed activity. Students were asked to work in groups to create and customise cars to make them faster and bespoke. Work on...

Tube Lines, Improve and Upgrade

This London Engineering Project case study of an integrated science and engineering, from the Royal Academy of Engineeringy, was designed around an industry context and delivered as part of National Science and Engineering Week in 2009.



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