Resources by Standards Unit
Displaying 31 - 40 of 79
Interpreting Distance – Time Graphs A6 *suitable for home teaching*
In this DfE Standards Unit resource students learn to interpret and construct distance–time graphs; relating speeds to gradients of the graphs and accelerations to changes in these speeds. Students have often constructed distance–time graphs before. However, experience shows that many still interpret them as if...
Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs with a Computer A5
In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students interpret linear and non-linear distance-time graphs using the computer programme Traffic. This program provides a simple yet powerful way of helping learners to visualise distance–time graphs from first principles. The program generates situations involving...
Interpreting Frequency Graphs, Cumulative Frequency Graphs, Box and Whisker Plots S6
In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students interpret frequency graphs, cumulative frequency graphs, and box and whisker plots, all for large samples, and then see how a large number of data points can result in the graph being approximated by a continuous distribution (GCSE Grades A - D)
Interpreting Functions, Graphs and Tables A7
In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students learn to understand the relationship between graphical, algebraic and tabular representations of functions, the nature of proportional, linear, quadratic and inverse functions and doubling and squaring. Students should already be familiar with algebraic symbols such as...
Learner-learner Discussion
In this Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics video you can see three separate discussions taking place.
Sequence As you watch the video sequence consider the following questions:
* Are all the learners that you see participating in the discussion? * How is each learner gaining from...
Linking the Properties and Forms of Quadratic Equations C1
In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students identify different forms and properties
of quadratic functions, connect quadratic functions...
Manipulating Surds N11
In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit students identify equivalent surds and develop their ability to simplify expressions involving surds. Students should understand what a square root is and be able to remove brackets correctly. (GCSE grades A-D; AS and A2 level)
Matching Functions and Derivatives C3
In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students practise differentiating quadratic functions and finding the values of a function and its derivative at specific points. They will distinguish between f (x) and f ′(x), relate values of f (x) and f ′(x) to the graph of y = f (x) and reflect on and discuss these...
Meeting the Needs of All Learners
In this Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics video you will be able to reflect on a range of approaches that help to meet the needs of all learners.
There are many strategies that teachers and trainers use in order to ensure that every learner is given a challenge appropriate to his or her...
DfE Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics activities to support the learning of algebra. The 'Active Learning' session plans include starting points, descriptions of the processes and photocopiable resources.