Resources by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS)

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Displaying 101 - 110 of 178

Investigating the hormone auxin (IAA), a plant growth regulator

This protocol allows students to investigate the effects of the hormone auxin (Indole Acetic Acid or IAA) as a plant growth regulator. The investigations give opportunities to look at auxiliary bud development, root development, and leaf abscission in Coleus. The method is suitable for independent investigations by...

Investigating Vernalisation and Creating Genetic Crosses

Vernalisation offers an interesting example of the way that plants have evolved to exploit the predictability of seasonal change and, in this case, to ensure that flowering occurs at an appropriate time. It also gives an example of how environmental factors control and...

These reliable practicals from SAPs allow students to practice a range of skills, such as microscopy skills, serial dilutions, plotting and using standard curves and developing mathematical skills.  These investigations were designed for students following a Scottish Highers course but they are equally useful for...

Investigations into eutrophication

This brief resource provides five ideas for investigating the effects of eutrophication on aquatic plant life. Each activity is based on setting up a range of solutions with increasing amounts of minerals and following the growth of aquatic plants. The resource offers suggestions of how the mineral content could be...

Investigations with ELISA: using SAPS ELISA kit for Botrylis

The SAPS ELISA kit for Botrytis has been developed as a low cost kit to bring practical immunology into the classroom. The monoclonal antibody in the kit detects Botrytis, a fungal pathogen. Botrytis infects plant material (such as strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes and flowers) and is of considerable importance...

Investigations with Venus Fly Traps

In this activity from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), students investigate what causes a Venus’ Fly Trap to shut. These experiments are related to a series of investigations that Darwin carried out as part of his work on evolution and adaptation and background...

Koch's Postulates

This protocol allows students to demonstrate and test Koch’s Postulates using apples infected with the fungus Penicillium expansum. The required experimental work extends over 3 to 4 weeks, but the essential steps can be demonstrated in a single practical session if students are provided with cultures and infected...

Learning and practicing techniques used in practical science

Purpose: Although teachers will often teach new practical skills directly, having digital support resources can be very useful. Such resources can be used to reinforce teaching by rehearsing techniques or by providing an aide memoire for rarely used skills.

Teaching sequence: The example provided teaches...

Living Processes and What Plants Need to Grow

This resource, aimed at primary level, contains many investigations, activities and games related to plants, looking at seeds and germination, how to grow plants and the factors which affect plant growth. Activities include exploring the inside of a seed before it...

Measuring Photosynthesis with Cabomba

One of a series of resources from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) investigating key topics in plant biology. A reliable way to demonstrate photosynthesis in the classroom. When the pond-weed Cabomba is placed in a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate in the presence of light of appropriate intensity, it...


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