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Science quiz book: 1100 questions and answers
Basic aim of this book is to help school students of secondary or higher secondary schools (Xth or XIIth). The idea is to create their interests in science and to present difficult scientific topics in interesting and easy to understand manner. Generally students find scientific topics so hard that they soon loose their interests and avoid the subject. The same kind of difficulties they face in various competitions and interviews. With the help of this book they can enhance their knowledge and confidence. Every topic has been dealt with in such a way that even a lay reader could understand the subject through many short questions-answers.
If you want to increase your knowledge and understanding of Science, you must read this book. You can also check your general knowledge about all the scientific topics. Filled with fascinating scientific information and facts, this book is highly beneficial for both students and general readers. And more, the answers to all of your general trivia challenges are there. Hundreds of questions on a variety of related topics, this book has Quiz Books/Puzzles/Brain Teasers on all the topics related to Science, that will both educate and entertain you. And lots of other knowledge and information -- things you knew, didn't know (and thought you knew but didn't!) You'll never have a dull moment with this extraordinary compendium of fascinating facts, interesting information, and tantalizing trivia.
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