Equilibrum II acids and bases Equilibrium III redox reactions

ILPAC (Independent Learning Project for Advanced Chemistry) is a comprehensive and flexible course of study. The series provides complete coverage of A level Chemistry while individual books can be used to support specific topics.

This second edition includes revisions which reflect the recently revised syllabuses and ensure that the information is up-to-date. The original units have been combined into 12 books which retain particular features of the first edition, to help students structure their study of the topics. For example, there is a Pre-knowledge section which lists the skills the student will require, while a Pre-test section shows whether further revision is required before beginning.

Keywords are intended to help the student to use indexes where further reading is required, and to encourage note-taking. Worked examples are used to explain calculations, and numerous exercises, with detailed answers, can be used to check progress. Teacher-marked exercises give practice in essay-type questions and help the teacher monitor progress. Experiments teach practical skills, illustrate theoretical points and allow the development of investigation skills. Specimen results are provided and mark schemes for practical assessments are included where appropriate.

ILPAC 1-6 is a available as a first-year set, and ILPAC 7-12 as a second-year set. Each set has accompanying teacher's and technician's notes. This part of the course offers further coverage of the principles of equilibrium in physical chemistry.

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Author(s)Ann Lainchbury
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Shelf referenceA 540 LAI
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x89dv

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