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Cambridge IGCSE chemistry
'Cambridge IGCSE chemistry' has been developed to give maximum support for students studying for the 'Cambridge international examinations' GCSE.
International case studies are used throughout, 'localising' learning. An interactive CD ROM, supporting study and revision, and practical work, is included. The book provides a complete match to the CIE GCSE chemistry specification.
This book contains:
- Principles of chemistry: the particulate nature of matter; experimental techniques; atoms, elements and compounds; and stoichiometry.
- Physical chemistry: electricity and chemistry; chemical changes; chemical reactions; and acids, bases and salts.
- Inorganic chemistry: the Periodic Table; metals; air and water; sulphur; and carbonates
- Organic chemistry
- Illustrated glossary.
The accompanying CD ROM provides support for study, revision and practical work. It includes interactive questions and video experiments for common practical tasks.
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