Eureka! Activity pack disk 3: 3GR
'Eureka!' is a complete 11-14 science course. The scheme meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum and provides a scheme of work that matches the content of QCA's non-statutory scheme of work. ICT, numeracy and literacy are integrated into the course.
There are two student books for each year, which are parallel in their content cover but different in level. The green books are for less able students, and concentrate on delivering the main concepts as simply and clearly as possible, with controlled language levels and frequent structured questions. The red books have additional information on topics, with more challenging questions to stretch and motivate the more able.
The homework are also differentiated. There is an assessment and homework pack to support each year of the course. The packs are accompanied by CD-ROMs which contain customizable worksheets, question sheets and answer grids for end-of-activity testing, and a spreadsheet that calculates NC levels for students based on their test scores.
The activity packs are fully differentiated and contain activity sheets at three levels, linked to pages in the student textbooks. Activity pack CD-ROMs contain worksheets which can be customized, spreadsheets and database, key word lists and help for less able students, and all teachers' and technicians' material.
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