
A very simple science series that introduces the first concepts that surround the physical sciences. The text combines statements and questions in such a way that develops a child's understanding of science as well as the language related to it. It also builds confidence by helping children appreciate the science they already know. Simple experiments are also included in the text and exercises introduced which promote skills in sorting and handling data. Electricity considers mains and battery power and introduces simple circuits and components.

The author, Peter Riley, has developed the projects in a classroom context working with reception and Year 1 classes. He has incorporated aspects of both Key Stage 1 curriculum and the desirable outcomes for younger learning and, by testing, ensured the text is appropriate for use in literacy as well as science. Illustrated in full colour with photographs, most of which have been specially commissioned for the books.

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Author(s)Peter Riley
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Shelf referenceA 537 RIL
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x85tz

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