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Advancing physics A2
This is a student textbook for the A2 year of the A-level Advancing Physics course. This full-colour text provides good physics reading for students and builds on the concepts covered in the AS year of the course. 'Advancing physics' shows how physics is exciting, always developing, and of great practical use.
This book includes:
- Information and Communications Technologies as a vital part of physics
- Offers something for everyone in its variety of ways of looking at doing physics
- Provides a broad picture of physics as a subject, valuable whether or not students continue further with the subject
- Positively encourages students individual initiative and interest
'Advancing physics' describes essential core ideas in physics in a variety of up-to-date and interesting settings and ultimately shows how all the ideas of the course come together.
The book is written as a series of narratives, each telling a story about the physics involved from a particular point of view. Much of the thinking is presented visually, both in the book and on the accompanying CD-ROM, making abstract ideas more accessible.
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