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Ready resources: science 2, ages 5-7
The time-consuming process of finding, making and gathering together the resources needed when starting a new unit of work can be solved easily with Ready Resources. Each book and accompanying CD-Rom in the series contains a collection of resources designed to match the specified requirements for particular teaching units in the QCA Schemes of Work for different subjects.
Resources on the CDs across the books in the series include:
*colour and b/w photographs
*archive and specifically produced video
*audio Photocopiable resources are provided in the books and are also provided on the CD as pdf files and include:
*stories *non-fiction texts
*word and sentence cards The book also includes practical teachers' notes that provide background information about the resources, as well as discussion and activity ideas.
All resources from the CD Rom can be printed allowing teachers ultimate flexibility with grouping and sharing resources in the classroom. CD Rom resources can be pre-selected and run as a 'slide-show' for ease of classroom use.
Ready Resources Science Book 2 provides resources for: *Health and growth *Plants and animals in their local environment *variation *Grouping and changing materials *Forces and movement *Using electricity *Matches the resource requirements specified in the QCA Schemes of Work *Provides additional material to help teachers teach the QCA units of work *Appropriate for use in Scotland *Full range of resources provided in each file: including photocopiables, photos, video, stories *Teachers' notes for support and guidance in making the most from the resources *Effective use of digital technology to provide audio-visual curriculum content.
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