Scratch cards
This collection of twelve Scratch cards is designed to provide a quick way to learn how to code using the language Scratch. The front of the card describes to the students what can be done; the back explains how to do it. Each card can be printed and folded to A5 size for use with students. The activities cover how to change the colour of a sprite, make the sprite move when a sound is played, make the sprite change directions using the arrow keys, make a sprite say something, make the sprite glide to a different location on the screen, make the sprite follow the mouse, make the sprite whirl round when required, animate by switching between sprites, use the random function and keep a score in a game.
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Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. This means that procedures reflect general practice and standards applicable at the time resources were produced and cannot be assumed to be acceptable today. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Change colour (activity sheet) 600.98 KB
Move to a beat (activity sheet) 1.73 MB
Key moves (activity sheet) 629.85 KB
Say something (activity sheet) 907.32 KB
Glide (activity sheet) 659.26 KB
Follow the mouse (activity sheet) 517.14 KB
Dance twist (activity sheet) 811.42 KB
Animate it (activity sheet) 545.17 KB
Moving animation (activity sheet) 638.71 KB
Surprise button (activity sheet) 783.55 KB
Keep score (activity sheet) 585.87 KB