These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Introducing LOGO

This book is designed to help all those who wish to find out more about the language LOGO, a language intended to demystify computers and computer programming, and make the power of computers accessible to all.

A brief introduction to some basic commands is followed by An Outline to LOGO which describes how LOGO is designed to allow the user to program the computer and how LOGO can be used to enhance learning. There follows an explanation of how procedures are built up using drawing a square as an example. The use of variables, editorial functions and making a list are outlined.

LOGO Here and now explains how LOGO acts upon the commands given without the need for a compiler and describes how users have to get the sequence of commands correct, how LOGO can be used as an instant calculator, create a list of items and the difference between names, values and actions.

LOGO Proceeds with procedures is a more detailed look at the use of procedures exploring how to use procedures to draw spirals and discusses how procedures can be used in the learning process.

Arithmetical LOGO explores the arithmetical uses of LOGO in the learning process using basic mathematical operations before exploring more complex functions such as factors and integers and also explores how LOGO can be used to draw function graph and to find common denominators.

Geometrical LOGO describes how a variety of trees can be drawn leading to a discussion of interference patterns, circles and further discussion of graphing functions.

Lists, Words, and Naming LOGO explores in more detail how logo uses lists and names.

Whilst Controlling LOGO considers different ways to control the next step of the program using commands such as if, repeat, count, sequence and compares LOGO commands with those of the language BASIC.

LOGO at Length outlines the programming of ‘Eliza’ a classic program with artificial intelligence pretensions, considers relational databases and checks and prints.

Why LOGO? discusses how LOGO is learned, what the consequences are, explores turtle graphics and what programs could be considered after using LOGO.

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