These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.


This resource from Farming & Countryside Education (FACE) suggests a number of issues surrounding farming which can be used as topics for a class debate. A number of activities are described which can be used to support the preparation for debate or as class activities: • Timeline: A set of statements related to foot and mouth disease are provided. These can be put onto a set of cards for students to discuss, sort, classify and display, having chosen and justified their own criteria • Living graph: students classify a set of events taking place on a farm over a period of time as positive, neutral or negative and then plot them as a time line • Compass rose activity: to aid discussion of environmental, social, political and economic influences on farming • Role play: based on flooding, this scenario helps students to understand that there are other points of view, that real life issues are complex and that conflict can be resolved • Diamond ranking activity based on farming issues • Brainstorming activity: to decide the three most important reasons why we need the countryside • A quiz: to find out students' initial thoughts on countryside matters

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