These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

breakthrough: the RI at 200

breakthrough was a termly resource for teachers published between 1999 and 2001. Each edition highlighted a number of discoveries and inventions and the people who made them. This edition was published in September 1999. Each edition of breakthrough included feature articles and regular items such as profiles of key scientists, interviews with contemporary scientists and ideas for places to visit. The teachers’ pages provided answers to questions and notes on practical activities. breakthrough was edited by Peter Ellis with contributions from a wide range of authors. [b]Contents[/b] * Cover feature: RI at 200 - Count Rumford, Thomas Young, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, John Tyndall, James Dewar, W.H. & W.L.Bragg, George Porter * A scientist answers: Susan Greenfield * Visiting science: The Royal Institution * Profile: William Withering – discoverer of digitalis * Controversy: Drifting lands - Alfred Wegener, continental drift and plate tectonics * Controversy: Prof.Blondlot's new discovery - the discovery of N-rays * The teachers' pages

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