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Houses and Homes
The Science in a Topic students’ book Houses and Homes provides a range of activities relating homes today, in the past and in other countries. A visit to a building site is recommended as a way of beginning the study of the range of materials used in constructing a house. Activities enable students to explore the properties of different materials and the strength of different structures. Instructions for students are well illustrated by drawings and photographs. The teacher has an active role, as indicated in the relevant sections of the Teacher’s Guide, in providing materials and reinforcing the questions that lead the students to investigate, create and find information. [b]Contents[/b] 1. Looking at homes 2. Finding out about materials 3. Walls 4. Roofs 5. Windows, doors and floors 6. Building in the classroom 7. Tools and machines 8. Electricity 9. Water . 10 Animal homes Flow diagram 64 Model plans
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