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Nuffield Physics: Questions Book V

In Nuffield Physics constructive problems or questions that ask for active thinking largely took the place of pupils' reading in texts or background books. The purpose and nature of these questions was explained in chapter 1 of Nuffield Physics Tests and Examinations..


Section 1: Introduction to circular motion
Section 2: Satellites
Section 3: Derivation of formulae for centripetal acceleration and centripetal force
Section 4: Electrons travelling in straight lines and circles
Section 5: Measurement of elm for electrons
Section 6: Electrolysis. Electrons, ions, protons
Section 7: Positive rays and isotopes
Section 8: The heavens: what do we see (without telescopes)?
Section 9: Greek astronomical theories
Section 10: The search for simplicity or for 'truth': orbits replace crystal spheres
Section 11: Laws all planets obey
Section 12: Galileo and Newton
Section 13: Applying Newton's laws of motion and of gravitation
Section 14: Things moving backwards and forwards. Experiments with a pendulum
Section 15: Electric charges moving backwards and forwards: alternating currents
Section 16: Revision of Year III work on waves. SHM and wave motion
Section 17: Velocity, frequency and wavelength. Ripple tank experiments (revision)
Section 18: Using obstacles to 'break light apart': diffraction
Section 19: Beams of light 'striking together with each other': Interference
Section 20: Diffraction gratings
Section 21: A simple theory about ions in gases
Section 22: lonization produced by radioactive radiations. Three kinds of radiation
Section 23: Detective work on cloud-chamber photographs. The nature of alpha, beta and gamma radiation
Section 24: Radioactivity: randomness, radioactive series, tracers
Section 25: Rutherford Model (of an atom) Section 26: Light particles? Matter waves?






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