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Unit 4: Waves and Oscillations
This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit covered topic of about waves and oscillations. In the form and order suggested, it was intended to suit students who have been through the work on waves in the Nuffield O-level Physics course, or equivalent work in other courses. In particular, the ripple tank studies suggested in Nuffield O-level Physics, Teachers' Guide III, chapter 1, and Guide to experiments III, experiment 4, were essential background; as was a first acquaintance with the wave properties of light. With such students in mind, Part One of this Unit began with invisible waves, and developed out of experiments on superposition and on the speed of the waves.
Contents of the Students’ book
To the student
Summary of Unit 4
Questions Part One: Waves of many sorts
Part Two: Mechanical waves
Part Three: Mechanical oscillations
The Severn Bridge
Mathematical models in physics
Textbooks and further reading
Information, formulae, and data
Experiments suggested for the Unit
4.1 Superposition of waves
4.2 Infra-red and ultra-violet radiation
4.3 Measurement of the speed of light
4.4 Measurement of the speed of microwaves
4.5 Mechanical waves
4.6 Longitudinal wave on a wave model made of trolleys and springs
4.7 Speed of sound in a metal rod
4.8 Testing other wave speed expressions
4.9 What is a clock?
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Unit 4: students' book 6.91 MB
Unit 4: teachers' guide 7.78 MB