Report of the NAHT Commission on Assessment (February 2014)
The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) established an independent Commission on assessment following the Secretary of State’s decision to remove levels and their associated descriptors from the National Curriculum from September 2014. The Commission, comprising a panel of experienced practitioners, met during the autumn of 2013.
This report reflects both the written and oral evidence submitted to the panel, and the subsequent discussions. It contains the Commission’s recommendations, a set of principles of good assessment, and a design checklist for a practical assessment framework. It focuses on both the short term implications of the Secretary of State’s decision to remove National Curriculum Levels and the medium term consideration of the nature of assessment.
The Commission acknowledges within the report that there is further work still to do in this area and feel that it would be of benefit for this work to continue. The report contains there distinct elements:
- A set of agreed principles for good assessment
- Examples of current best practice in assessment that meet these principles
- Buy-in to the principles by those who hold schools to account
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