A level DNA resources
A list of web-based resources on DNA and DNA technologies suitable for both AS and A2 Biology. I use them with the AQA specification, but they would be useful for any of the current specifications.
Awesome Science Teacher Resources
I actually agree with the title of the site - there are some really good resources. I've trialled a couple of the DNA modelling activites and they went down a treat. The other pages for different topics (accessed by the menus at the top of the screen) are also really good. Many of the activites are also suitable for GCSE classes.
Sumanas Inc.
This website has loads of animations, mainly suitabe for AS and A2 Biology. In particular, there are some good resources on DNA and DNA technologies, for example the PCR, DNA fingerprinting and gel electrophoresis. Most of the animations have narration, but also a step-by-step "mode" with a review at the end.
DNA learning centre
Good straightforward animations on DNA and DNA technologies, such as Sanger sequencing and cycle sequencing. Generally quite clear, although some do go over and above A2 level. On the left of the page, there is also a link to the 3D animation centre - these animations tend to be more detailed.
Transcribe and translate a gene
This interactive activity allows you to transcribe and translate a gene, It's good for consolidating knowledge of the process of protein synthesis.
Interactive protein synthesis
An interactive protein synthesis animation. Very user-friendly.
Protein synthesis video
This YouTube video is:
"Directed in 1971 by Robert Alan Weiss for the Department of Chemistry of Stanford University and imprinted with the "free love" aura of the period, this short film continues to be shown in biology class today."
A quite entertaining re-enaction of protein synthesis by students of Stanford University. It includes a narration adapted from the poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. My A2 students loved it. Particularly entertaining if you can convince them that you're in it...
Ten Years On: the Human Genome Project Today
Interesting article on the history and future of the Human Genome Project. Good background reading for A2 biologists wanting to further their knowledge of the subject.
DNA notes
This site contains notes that are akin to those found in a biology textbook. This particular page gives quite detailed notes about protein synthesis, and in particular, about the different types of RNA.
Free exam papers
This site contains past papers and mark schemes for the majority of subjects and exam boards. The page linked here is for the A level AQA Biology papers.