Learning at Home week 1: Materials and their properties
This list contains resources suitable for children learning at home. They link to the BBC Bitesize Daily Science programme for week 1 on materials.
Growing Crystals
Mixing, dissolving and separation -9-11 years
Grow your own crystals at home with just salt water. It takes about a week to grow the crystals but you can watch as they develop and grow. What shapes can you make? What do the crystals look like close up?
This activity lets your children explore what happens when you mix and heat materials. You can also use it to have a conversation about reversible changes of materials and practice the words and meanings of dissolving and evaporation.
Properties and Changes of Materials *suitable for home teaching*
Extra activity
Simple activities and worksheets to help children learn about separating mixtures of materials based on their properties, irreversible and reversible changes and melting and freezing of different materials.