Careers information
This collection contains a range of careers information for those considering a career involving computing.
What can I do with my degree in Computing?
This video from Gradcracker explores the different industry sectors and employers that a computer graduate could work for.
A step-by-step guide to applying for Degree Apprenticeships
A step-by-step article written by an apprentice software engineer, explaining how to find and apply for degree apprenticeships. In this article the apprentice explains where to search for opportunities; how to apply; and gives their own view on the advantages and disadvantages of doing an apprenticeship.
Computing at School: Careers Information
Sharing inspirational stories from people working in the Computing sector, this collection of videos, interviews and flyers will help bring some of the many careers that involve computer science to life for your students.
Cyber security apprentice
This video, produced by BT, looks at what is involved in being an Ethical Hacker. At 3m 01s, Toby explains about his role as a Cyber Security apprentice.
Why study Computer Science?
This video from the University of Exeter looks at why Computer Science is an important part of many subjects across the curriculum.
A Day in the Life of a Computer Science Student
This video from the University of Birmingham shows a day in the life of a Computer Science student.
Why study Computer Science?
This video from the University of Birmingham shows a number of short interviews with students, asking them why they chose to study Computer Science.
What can I do with my degree in Computing?
The University of Kent’s site on Computing is a good resource for looking at what students can do with a degree in Computing. It provides examples of a range of jobs linked to Computing, with brief descriptions and links to 35 Job profiles on the Prospects website, National Careers Service website and the All About Careers website.
Careers linked to Technology, Data, Machine Learning and AI
This website from the University of Oxford provides information on careers linked to Technology, Data, Machine Learning and AI. It contains information on the sectors, examples of different jobs, entry routes, skills and advice for getting a career in these areas.
Women in Tech
WomeninTech Jobs gives you the chance to view a range of employers who are actively looking to employ more women in tech and promote diversity across their workforce.
Skill trends and salary statistics for jobs in IT
IT Jobs Watch presents a concise and accurate map of the prevailing UK IT job market conditions. This link is useful for salary benchmarking, discovering IT skill sets, finding out about job roles & IT skill trends.
Digital industries
This set of three mini-interactive online games from Siemens explore a variety of digital industries:
- Cybersecurity
- Internet of Things
- Digital Twins
Each module gives a general overview of the subject and interactive activities to engage the pupils in the topic. At the end of each module there is a challenge to take away and complete, a section highlighting careers in the specified digital industry and an interactive quiz.