Subject Knowledge
A well refined knowledge of the specific curriculum content as well as a wider understanding of the subject to contextualise the learning and stretch students’ understanding.
Audit subject knowledge
Audit subject knowledge each year in line with the current curriculum content.
Develop understanding
Develop understanding in weaker or new areas of the curriculum, or areas beyond specialism.
Cutting edge research
Keep up to date with cutting edge research related to the curriculum so that you can stretch students’ understanding, contextualise and enrich learning experiences.
Wider subject and career knowledge
Establish a system to ensure wider subject and careers knowledge is shared with colleagues and incorporated into lessons or enrichment opportunities.
Build relationships with those working in the field of your subject
Build relationships with those working in the field of your subject to enable opportunities to enrich and enhance the learning experience of students.
Share your subject expertise
Share your subject expertise as part of the wider professional teaching community.