Maths career information
This collection contains a range of careers information for those considering a career involving mathematics.
It includes details of the salary expectations for mathematics graduates, the skills developed by studying for a mathematics degree, possible career routes and examples of mathematics in the world of work.
Maths Careers Booklet
A detailed booklet for teachers on the careers that mathematics can lead to. Topics include salary expectations for mathematics graduates, the skills developed by studying for a mathematics degree, and why more students do not study mathematics.
Mathematics Matters
A series of case studies that aim to give examples of contemporary research and describe the mathematics, without resorting to technical detail but also without over-simplification. They can be used by teachers to guide their students or shared directly with students to influence their future choices and careers using mathematics.
Do mathematicians earn more?
Article about the earning power of mathematical skills and qualifications. Based on the 2017 Smith Review this article highlights the earning potential of different levels of mathematics qualifications from GCSE to Degree.
Climbing the Career Ladder
This resource explores the application of flow charts, algorithms and mathematical based careers. Student pairs take it in turns to roll a die and travel along the board, racing through primary school, GCSE revision and work experience towards a successful career. The resource includes a printable board game, work experience cards, career profiles, teacher presentation and detailed teacher notes, including a number of suggested follow up activities.
Showcasing careers in STEM
In this activity students use the Start / Plotr website to find out which careers are linked to subjects including science, technology, engineering, D&T and mathematics. In groups the students are asked to select two particular STEM careers and create a presentation piece to introduce these careers to other students.
Careers for Mathematicians
This article contains general information for mathematics students – suitable for secondary and post-16. Topics include employability, occupations that use mathematics, and skills that mathematicians have to offer employers.
Seeing where maths can take you
A booklet for anyone considering a career in engineering. Nine engineers talk about their experiences in areas as diverse as the NHS to the construction industry. The way in which different areas of mathematics are relevant to each career area is highlighted.
This resource contains information about the mathematics behind dispensing medication in a healthcare setting. Includes a game that can be played in class and teachers notes to assist with the activity.
Working in tourism
This resource contains information about the mathematics involved in the tourism industry, including percentages and basic arithmetic. Includes a game that can be played in class and teachers notes to assist with the activity.
Maths Jobs in the Finance Sector – what do they involve?
This article contains information on the different roles available in finance for mathematics graduates. around 20% of maths graduates enter the financial services sector. The majority of people will understand that maths is a useful skill for accountants, however in reality maths is used in a huge variety of ways in the finance sector. The article looks at a number of areas including risk management, financial planning and compliance.
On the way to Wembley
This article explores the mathematics involved in stadium design. While planning a new football stadium engineers have to use their mathematical skills to predict the behaviour of both the stadium and the spectators in order to perfect their designs.
Career interview: Games developer
An interview with a games developer who studied mathematics at university before working in game design.
Cut it out and curl it up
This article contains information about the mathematics involved in hairdressing including angles for cutting and percentages for mixing colours, as well as what can happen if the numbers are wrong.
Career interview: Aerodynamicist
An interview with an Aerodynamicist who describes their career path and their research on aircraft wake vortices, which has implications for aircraft landing patterns at airports.
Careers using Maths
This resource contains ten links to resources that teachers can use to provide information about careers in mathematics. Resources listed include MathsCareers, The RSS and the Further Mathematics Support Programme.
Careers advice for Maths Undergraduates
An online article also available as PDF download which explores the range of career areas mathematics students can enter. Suitable for secondary school students as well as undergraduates. Topics covered include who emplys mathematics graduates, example of graduate careers for mathematics students, skills that employers want, and where to begin.