Mathematics in GCSE Science
A collection of mathematics resources which may be useful in science lessons
Algebra Study Units
Unit 2: Transforming expressions and equations - This unit discusses ways of helping students to form equivalent expressions through 'clouding the picture' activities. It also considers two of the teaching principles that help students to use and apply algebra with confidence: providing opportunities for students to express generality asking students to 'find as many ways as you can'. This contains the clouding the picture, transforming equations activity.
Unit 6: Applying skills in the context of ‘pyramids’ - This unit explores how students can use and apply their algebraic skills in the context of 'pyramid puzzles'. The work is developed in four stages: understanding the structure of a pyramid by using numbers collecting like terms constructing and solving equations intuitively constructing and solving equations more formally. This unit contains the informal methods of solving equations activity
The Standards Unit: Improving learning in mathematics
A whole package relating to teaching and learning mathematics at GCSE and post 16. The section Teaching Activities and Materials has many resources appropriate to Science lessons.
Constructing and Solving Linear Equations
School packs on constructing and solving linear equations for Years Seven, Eight and Nine were developed by the National Strategies. They contained booklets which were part of continuining professional development courses.
The year 7 booklet has more examples for solving equations and using pyramids to create equations.
Teaching Mental Mathematics From Level Five: Algebra
A National Strategies booklet describing teaching approaches that can be used to develop mental mathematics in its broadest sense beyond National Curriculum level five. Each area is covered by looking at teaching strategies, activities, progression and addresses typical algebraic misconceptions.
The booklet covers:
• algebraic conventions
• solving linear equations
• sequences
• functions and graphs.
There are more clouding the picture activities on page 21 of the pdf document.
Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs with a Computer A5
In this resource, students interpret linear and non-linear distance-time graphs using the computer programme Traffic. This program provides a simple yet powerful way of helping learners to visualise distance–time graphs from first principles. The program generates situations involving traffic moving up and down a straight section of road. It then allows the user to take ‘photographs’ of this situation at one-second intervals, places these side-by-side, and then gradually transforms this sequence of pictures into a distance–time graph. In this way, direct correspondences between speeds and gradients are obtained.
Learners are asked to describe situations, and draw and interpret distance–time graphs. Later, examples are offered that involve cars travelling at non-uniform speeds.
Interpreting Distance – Time Graphs A6 *suitable for home teaching*
In this DfE Standards Unit resource students learn to interpret and construct distance–time graphs; relating speeds to gradients of the graphs and accelerations to changes in these speeds. Students have often constructed distance–time graphs before.
This resource contains the matching exercises used in the session
Interpreting Functions, Graphs and Tables A7
In this resource, students learn to understand the relationship between graphical, algebraic and tabular representations of functions, the nature of proportional, linear, quadratic and inverse functions and doubling and squaring. Students should already be familiar with algebraic symbols such as those representing squares, square roots and fractions.
This resource contains matching exercises linking graphs, equations, coordinates and tables of values.
ASE: Language of mathematics in science
Concerns have often been raised by teachers about the level of understanding of the mathematical aspects of science amongst students. Confusion may be caused, for instance, when mathematics and science teachers use different terminology or approaches when explaining ideas.
With a greater emphasis on mathematical skills in science GCSE examinations from September 2018, our ‘Language of Mathematics in Science’ project, developed with funding from the Nuffield Foundation, aims to provide teachers with effective support to prepare for these changes and to embed good quality assessment of mathematics in science.
STEM Case Studies
A collection of STEM Case studies, a number of which consider the ways in which maths and science departments collaborate