Change of shape
The important thing for your students to realise here is that two different forces can act on an object in balance, like weight acting down and normal reaction acting up. There will be no movement, but depending on the integrity of the object itself, its shape can change.
In looking at possible results of distorting the shape of an object, you can explore elastic and plastic behaviour of a material. This gives an opportunity to plot force extension graphs, to identify Hookes law and to determine spring constants and energy stored in the distorted shape.
Applying the correct equations to the solution of problems related to force, extension and energy stored allows your students to practise lots of math skills.
Whilst this list provides a source of information and ideas for experimental work, it is important to note that recommendations can date very quickly. Do NOT follow suggestions which conflict with current advice from CLEAPSS, SSERC or recent safety guides. eLibrary users are responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is consistent with current regulations related to Health and Safety and that they carry an appropriate risk assessment. Further information is provided in our Health and Safety guidance.
This is a fun, but equally valid alternative to stretching conventional materials. Instead of rubber or springs, jelly sweets are used. You can have fun too by looking for the best sweets to use, strawberry laces are good.
Masses and Springs
A Phet simulation that allows you to hang masses from springs and adjust the spring constant and damping. The lab can be transported to different planets, or slow down time. Students can observe the forces and energy in the system in real-time, and measure the period using the stopwatch.
Extension of a spring
A pair of videos that investigates the extension of a spring when forces are added. The first allows students to see the experiment undertaken. This is a required practical for students to understand and be able to carry out for GCSE Combined Science and Physics. The second clip explains how to plot a graph to evaluate the relationship and establish if Hooke’s law is followed.
Extension of rubber
A pair of videos that investigates the extension of an elastic band when forces are added. The first allows students to see the experiment undertaken and the second clip explains how to plot a graph to evaluate the relationship.