Films from STFC/IOP
This is a sub-list within Astronomical Observation and Measurement
This Series of films of excellent films were produced with funding from STFC (Science and Technologies Facilities Council) on behalf of the IOP and Teachers TV. They are ideal for use in the Observing the Universe parts of the GCSE specifications; the presenters are engaging, the content is fascinating and covers the GCSE material well, and they are short enough (mostly about 5 min) to slot easily into a lesson and reinforce the concepts you want students to learn about. This is a topic where good, relevent practical work can be hard to find so these films are great for breaking up lessons.
How Big Is the Universe?
What really comes across is that the fact that our brains just aren’t equipped to really take in the size of the universe!
Our Universe and the Big Bang
Nicely recaps ideas about parallax and red shift
The Sun and Stars
This film is longer. The first 10 min is great to show students but the last 3 or 4 minutes showcase some good classroom demonstrations.
The Solar System, Planets, Asteroids and Comets
Link this film to the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 millions years ago or ESAs Rosetta Mission to comet 67P
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
There are plenty of telescopes that don't use visible light.
Asteroids and Comets
Link this film to the extinction of the dinosaurs 65million years ago and ESAs Rosetta Mission to comet 67P