This resource package provides ideas and strategies for teaching about the seasons, the Earth’s tilt and day length at different times of year. Included are a range of activities, lesson ideas, background information, practical tips and suggested teaching strategies to address misconceptions.
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Whilst this list provides a source of information and ideas for experimental work, it is important to note that recommendations can date very quickly. Do NOT follow suggestions which conflict with current advice from CLEAPSS, SSERC or recent safety guides. eLibrary users are responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is consistent with current regulations related to Health and Safety and that they carry an appropriate risk assessment. Further information is provided in our Health and Safety guidance.
Earth in Space 11-14
This area of physics is full of student misconceptions and teachers planning this topic for the first time will greatly appreciate the structure offered by this resource from the Institute of Physics and will want to take the opportunity to read around the subject a little.
Once you have downloaded the files, choose 'Sun, moon and Earth Teaching Approaches' to find activities 6, 7, 8 and 9. The Physics Narrative and Teaching and Learning Issues provide background information.
This suite of activities uses simple equipment to help students act out the relative movements of the Earth and Sun; vital if they are to get a deep understanding of what causes the seasons. The use of thermochromic paper in activity 9 is recommended since it makes the temperature rise visual and it can be obtained relatively cheaply from Mindsets if none is available in school. Activity 8 is not essential but it is a good opportunity to introduce data collection and develop graphical skills.
Earth and space: space presenters
Produced by the Hamilton Trust, these resources give details of seven lessons on space. This includes lesson plans, practical activities and all student materials. Students find facts about the Sun, Moon and Earth. They develop an understanding of day and night, the four seasons and the Moon’s phases. The Sun and planets making up our Solar System are investigated, along with the other stars in their constellations.
The seasons: light intensity and latitude
This Teaching Astronomy and Space video clip, from the Institute of Physics (IOP), Teachers TV and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), shows a simple demonstration to explain why regions at the equator are hotter than regions nearer the Earth's north and south poles.
Reasons for the Seasons
This video explains why the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere experience different seasons at the same time. It uses clear diagrams and animations to demonstrate how the tilt of the Earth can affect the amount of light hitting the two different hemispheres at the same time.