STEM Insight: links to support industry / university engagement
This resource collection contains links to organisations and resources that support industry / university engagement with students.
STEM Experience
A portal that helps students to search for STEM work related experiences in their area.
The Skills Show
The skills show is hosted at the NEC in Birmingham and offers staff and students the opportunity to learn more about five skill sectors: Engineering and Technology, Media and Creative, IT and Enterprise, Hospitality and Lifestyle, Construction and Infrastructure.
The Big Bang Fair
The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for young people in the UK. As well as a national show, you can find local shows to visit with your students.
Organising work experience, an employers guide.
This page created by Tomorrow's Engineers contains booklets, resources and advice for employers looking to set up work experience. If your placement partner has never hosted work experience students before, these resources may be worth sharing so that they have guidance to get them started.
Work Experience
A collection of resources to support the development of school work experience programmes.
Engineering Open House Day
Engineering Open House Day sees the IET joining forces with iconic venues and organisations across the country to give children and their parents an insight into what it’s like to be an engineer. The day normally happens during the summer holidays (2016 was Friday 29th July).
Tomorrow's Engineers Week
Tomorrow's Engineers week is a week that highlights the engineering careers available to young people through activities, visits and competitions. During the week, lots of engineering employers will open their doors to students and teachers, which makes for a great opportunity to gain experience of different workplaces. The week normally happens around the 1st week of November.
National Women in Engineering Day
National Women in Engineering Day is dedicated to raising the profile and celebrating the achievements of women in engineering. The day normally happens in late June with events being organised around the UK. Visit the website to see if there are any events local to you, or you could even work with a local employer to run your own event.
STEM Ambassasdors
STEM Ambassadors is a network of STEM professionals across the UK who have pledged to offer support to young people, via school, colleges and community groups. Each Ambassador is trained and regietered, sign up on the website to register with your local STEM Ambassador hub and start requesting ambassadors.
Inspiring the Future
"Inspiring the Future: securely connecting thousands of teachers with volunteers from the world of work; committing an hour a year to speak about their job."